It's not loving less...
It's loving smarter.
Love Smarter®
The Prenup Pros Difference
We offer free initial consultations with a Prenup Pros attorney.
There is absolutely no obligation to purchase a prenup from Prenup Pros after an initial consultation. Each conversation is strictly confidential regardless of whether you hire Prenup Pros.
Prenup Pros is a law firm that only specializes in premarital agreements. Prenup Pros is not a “do-it-yourself” quick-serve document factory. Our prenuptial agreements are not just generic forms that are widely available for free online.
Prenup Pros customizes each client’s prenuptial agreement to meet the unique needs of the marrying couple and ensure that the document is prepared in accordance with the current law.
Our prenuptial agreements are prepared by experienced attorneys for a low flat-fee rate.^
We don’t add extra fees for “expedited” or rush service if your wedding is less than two weeks away, or increase the flat-fee price for a spousal support waiver like our competitors that offer a $995 “teaser rate”.
Moreover, every member of the Prenup Pros legal staff is a Certified Premarital Counselor, ready to help guide you through the process and your questions.
If you are interested in more information about our premarital agreements, or want help figuring out if a prenup is a good idea for you, please schedule a free, no-obligation consultation today.*
It is important to contact Prenup Pros as far in advance of your wedding date as possible. There are potential legal consequences for entering into a prenup too close to your wedding date. So there is no reason to delay in scheduling a consultation with Prenup Pros—the sooner the better!
^ Subject to the Terms of Service Agreement entered into between Prenup Pros and its clients at the time the attorney-client relationship is formed.
* Certain important legal terms and conditions apply to Prenup Pros consultations.